Journal COACT is an initiative launched by the Hebraic University, the only Jewish university in the Spanish-speaking world, specializing in Jewish studies and other related disciplines. The core values of the UH are based on the interrelation of three main concepts: Understanding, Acting and Transcending (COACT) . This new academic publication aims to provide a strategic forum for researchers, professionals, activists and policy makers, concerned with issues related to the transformations of the contemporary world, justice and social responsibility and the improvement of the global community. . From this effort, we intend to make it easier for readers to understand, act and transcend the world.
Our first issue delves into the concept of Tikun Olam (a word in Hebrew that means “reparation of the world” and that connotes social action, social justice and the improvement of society in general). In this particular case, we will focus mainly on migration, minorities, diasporas, marginalization and related issues.
This inaugural publication brings together contributions from academics who operate in different settings but who are interested in Tikun Olam in a very broad sense. We are sure that the reader will find enriching the diverse materials that make up this multilingual and multicultural publication. We want to take advantage of this space to invite academics, educators, social activists, and other leaders in various fields to submit articles to this initiative. With best wishes for peace, Dr. Yehuda Bar Shalom Rector Hebraic University Dr. Daniel Fainstein Dean of Judaic Studies Hebraic University Dr. Leonel Levy Hebraic University
Yehuda Bar-Shalom International Advisory Council , Universidad Hebraica, México Zvi Bekerman , Hebrew University, Israel Judit Bokser Liwerant , Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México Daniel Fainstein , Universidad Hebraica, México Edna Greene , David Yellin College, Israel Tova Hartman , Ono Academic College, Israel Tamara Kolangu i, Universidad Anáhuac, México Tamar Shuali , Universidad Católica de Valencia, Spain Helle Thorning Act , Center, Columbia University, United States of America